2 March 2022

Give Back: Volunteering Opportunities in the AAS

Diane Frendak

Diane Frendak American Astronomical Society (AAS)

AAS Board of Trustees from AAS 234

Getting involved in AAS committees is a great way to make a positive impact in our astronomical sciences community and meet collaborators working toward a common purpose.

AAS membership comes the opportunity to add your name to the pool of members who wish to volunteer on a committee, working group, or task force, or to run for an elected leadership position.

Ready to help advance the Society’s mission? Commitment in terms of time and effort will vary, but the majority of the Society’s leadership positions have terms of three years that typically begin in January or June. Click on the links to learn more about committee charges, terms, histories, current serving members, etc. Contact the committee chair/co-chairs if you have further questions about serving and time commitments. And when you are ready, you can easily indicate your interest to serve in your online member account.


Let your voice be heard about important matters that affect our science, from your own department to Capitol Hill and beyond. Protect the night sky and space-science research for future generations.

DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging)

If we want to see change in the astronomical sciences community, we must invest resources into making change happen. These can include your time, energy, and financial investment. Help build on the foundation laid by marginalized scientists and do some heavy lifting for social justice.


The AAS has a mix of advisory and oversight committees, with specific roles relating to the routine functioning and activities of the Society.


Join a group of like-minded experts to discuss and promote specific subject areas in our discipline.


There are more than a dozen prize committees striving to recognize excellence and achievement. Do note that, in most cases, an appointments committee is responsible for seating new members to a prize committee. Travel and research grant committees are also included here.

Running for Office

Please indicate your interest to serve on the Board of Trustees if you're keen to help drive the strategic direction of the Society and are willing to devote a fair amount of time and energy to this effort. Note that only AAS Full and Emeritus Members are eligible to run for elected office in the AAS. Likewise, the AAS Divisions seek Division members to take leadership roles. In most cases, a nominating committee is charged with creating the slate of candidates, but it helps a lot to know in advance who is willing to serve if nominated and elected.