244th meeting


Madison, Wisconsin
244th meeting of the American Astronomical Society
Madison, Wisconsin
9 – 13 June 2024

Join us 9-13 June in Madison, Wisconsin, at the Monona Terrace Convention Center for the 244th AAS meeting (joint with the Laboratory Astrophysics Division). Meeting hashtag: #AAS244

Annual Members' Meeting Session Chair Information

Meeting Platform

Note: You must be registered to access. The first invitation to join the platform or app was emailed on June 4.

AAS 244 Platform App Instructions

A limited virtual participation option is available for AAS 244. 

Virtual registration includes:

  • Access to the AAS 244 Slack workspace
  • Access to the iPoster gallery
  • Access to the mobile app/web platform, which will host live streams (and, within 24 hours, the recordings) of plenaries, the NASA and NSF town halls, press conferences, and virtual-only oral sessions
  • Ability to submit abstracts as iPoster or oral presentations. Note that virtual oral presenters will be placed in a virtual-only oral session.

Meeting banner image: Comet Neowise (C/2020 F3) captured by amateur astrophotographer David Rousseau on 21 July 2020 in Quebec, Canada, in a Bortle 4 sky Davrou, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons