
Videos Available from the 235th AAS Meeting

11 Feb 2020
Slidecasts of 25 invited talks and prize lectures presented at the 2020 winter AAS meeting in Honolulu, HI, are now online for members. Sign in to view them at your leisure.

An Astronomy Project to Share on Valentine's Day

11 Feb 2020
Help fight light pollution by inviting your students, family, and friends to participate in the Globe at Night citizen-science effort. Just match your view of Orion to one of eight charts to determine how badly your sky...

This Month in Astronomical History: January 2020

5 Feb 2020
Each month this series from the AAS Historical Astronomy Division highlights an important discovery or memorable event. In this installment we focus on the “king of amateur astronomy conferences” and “Woodstock of...

Results of the 2020 AAS Election

4 Feb 2020
Voting in the AAS election of Officers and At-Large Trustees for terms beginning in 2020 closed on 31 January, and the ballots have been counted. The envelopes, please...