11 February 2020

Videos Available from the 235th AAS Meeting

Hua Liu

Hua Liu American Astronomical Society (AAS)

Videos Available from the 235th AAS Meeting

Videos from the 235th AAS meeting held in Honolulu, HI, in January 2020 are now online for viewing by AAS members. You must log in using your AAS username and password to watch the videos; if you're not already signed in, click the "Log In" link in the upper-right corner of the page.

There are two sets of videos: slidecasts of plenary sessions, and recordings of press-conference webcasts. The slidecasts include presentation slides accompanied by audio of the lectures. Some invited talks and prize lectures aren't included, for one or more of the following reasons: (1) the speaker didn't give us permission to record and post his or her presentation, (2) the quality of the recording was substandard, or (3) a technical glitch prevented the successful recording of the audio and/or presentation slides. Meeting videos are available exclusively to AAS members for six months following the meeting, after which they're open to viewing by nonmembers and the public. Press-conference videos are available to the public within days of being recorded via our Archived AAS Press Conference Webcasts page.

We've also posted hundreds of photos from the meeting in our online gallery.