
AAS Announces New Topical Conference Series

30 Aug 2011
AAS Announces New Topical Conference Series The AAS is pleased to announce a new Topical Conference Series that will begin in late July and August of 2013, with proposals for possible conferences due June 1, 2012....

Astronomy Education Review

28 Jan 2010
Thomas A. Hockey, Professor of Astronomy at the University of Northern Iowa, was named Editor-in-Chief of Astronomy Education Review. He formally assumed this role on January 1, 2010, but he has been working with the...

Call Your Member of Congress to Support Science

15 September 2008
This Action Alert calls upon AAS members to call their member of Congress and ask that they sign onto the Ehlers-Foster Support Science letter to the House leadership and the chair and ranking member of the...

Senate Amendment to Increase NASA Funding

21 May 2007
An amendment introduced in the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee would provide additional funds to NASA over the President's FY 2008 Budget Request.