
The AAS Journals: Absolutely Amazing

11 Jan 2022
Here AAS Executive Officer Kevin Marvel shares the 2021 year-end report on the AAS journals and some amazing statistics that help us gauge how the journals are operating and their impact.

New Task Force on AAS 239 Cancelation Response

6 Jan 2022
AAS President Paula Szkody details how the newly formulated task force is discussing possible virtual gatherings to help alleviate the lost connections and information sharing due to the cancelation of the 239th AAS...

Review of the NASA Hubble Fellowship Program

5 Jan 2022
NASA Headquarters initiated the first external review of the NASA Hubble Fellowship Program in 2021, with the aim to identify best practices, gaps, and areas of improvement. The final report is now available online.

AAS Names 23 New Fellows for 2022

5 Jan 2022
The American Astronomical Society is honoring 23 members for extraordinary achievement and service by naming them AAS Fellows. Congratulations to the Class of 2022!

DIVA+ High Contrast Imaging Community Survey

4 Jan 2022
The astronomy community is asked to take a brief survey designed for both users and non-users of high-contrast imaging instruments in order to collect the community wish list and guide the future development of the...

January 2022 Issue of Physics Today Now Available

3 Jan 2022
Most AAS members receive the magazine Physics Today, published by the American Institute of Physics, as a membership benefit. The January issue is now en route to subscribers' mailboxes and can be accessed online.

Join the AAS Education Committee

30 Dec 2021
The AAS Education Committee invites expressions of interest from potential new members for a three-year term beginning in March 2022.

Vote in the 2022 AAS Election!

29 Dec 2021
The 2022 AAS Election is now underway, with more than 600 ballots already cast. The best way to ensure that your voice is heard is to vote. Deadline: 2 February 2022.

So Long 2021…and AAS 239

28 Dec 2021
2021 has been a uniquely challenging year for our community. Here AAS Executive Officer Kevin Marvel explains how the rapid rise of Omicron drove the Board of Trustees to decide to cancel the 239th AAS meeting.