
Inside Sky & Telescope's February 2020 Issue

15 Jan 2020
Find out what's in the February 2020 issue of Sky & Telescope magazine, including how to hunt down meteorites, capture incredible nightscapes, discover exoplanets, and build your own spectrograph.

This Month in Astronomical History: November

15 Jan 2020
Each month this series from the AAS Historical Astronomy Division highlights an important discovery or memorable event. In this installment we reflect on Arthur Eddington's role in the 1919 solar eclipse that made Albert...

NASA Hubble Fellowship Program Update

14 Jan 2020
The Space Telescope Science Institute and NASA Headquarters are proposing a change to the requirements for NHFP host institutions. Please submit your questions or comments on the new policy by 18 March.

An Update on the TMT, Maunakea, and AAS 235

23 Dec 2019
As we prepare to gather in Honolulu for the 235th AAS meeting in early January, here's an update on the status of the Thirty Meter Telescope, the situation on Maunakea and the access road, and what you can expect at the...

Sethuraman Panchanathan Nominated as Next NSF Director

19 Dec 2019
President Trump will nominate Sethuraman "Panch" Panchanathan (Arizona State University) to serve as the 15th director of the National Science Foundation, succeeding France Córdova when her six-year term ends in 2020.

365 Days of Astronomy Seeks Podcasters

17 Dec 2019
The award-winning 365 Days of Astronomy podcast seeks contributed content on new discoveries, the history of astronomy, celestial observing tips, and how fundamental knowledge of the cosmos has changed our world.