
Applications Open for ComSciCon 2017

15 February 2017
Graduate students in STEM and related fields are invited to apply for ComSciCon 2017, the 5th annual Communicating Science Workshop, taking place 8-10 June in Cambridge, MA. Deadline: 1 March.

Community Workshop on Access to the CHARA Array

15 February 2017
The first of several workshops planned for astronomers interested in applying for access to the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy Array at Mount Wilson Observatory is planned for 15 March in Pasadena.

Results of the 2017 AAS Election

13 February 2017
Voting in the AAS election of officers and councilors for terms beginning in 2017 closed on 1 February, and the ballots have been counted. The envelopes, please...

Inclusive Astronomy Nashville Recommendations

8 February 2017
A living archive of the Nashville Recommendations is now available on the AAS wiki, where individuals, institutions, and organizations may register endorsement of, and commit to implement, specific recommendations.

AAS Journals Editor in Chief Search

7 Feb 2017
Following a recommendation of the Journals Futures Task Force, the AAS is conducting an open search for an Editor in Chief for the Astrophysical Journal and Astronomical Journal.

USRA's Remote Observation Center Now Open!

6 February 2017
The Universities Space Research Association recently opened the USRA Keck Remote Observation Site at its headquarters in Columbia, Maryland, saving local astronomers a trip to Hawaii.