
AAS Member Deaths, May-June 2018

25 Jun 2018
We honor the memory of our departed colleagues. The Historical Astronomy Division commissions and compiles obituaries for deceased AAS members and depends on you, our members, for help writing them.

The Senate's Version of FY 2019 Spending

22 May 2018
"Regular order" continues (for now) as the Senate Appropriations Committee has approved its version of legislation setting federal spending levels for fiscal year (FY) 2019.

AAS 2019 Prize Nominations Are Due 30 June

20 June 2018
Nominations for most AAS prizes and awards for 2019 are due in the Secretary's office by 30 June 2018. As has been true for several years now, these prizes and awards are open to self-nominations.

The New ADS Loses Its Beta Label

19 June 2018
The NASA Astrophysics Data System is excited to announce the official removal of the beta label from its new search interface, which is built upon modern search engine technology while also providing new features.

Elena Aprile of XENON1T to Receive 2019 Berkeley Prize

18 Jun 2018
Elena Aprile (Columbia University) is being honored with the 2019 Berkeley prize for her leadership of the XENON project and its groundbreaking search for the weakly interacting massive particles (“WIMPs”) thought to...

Celebrating Scientists on the Move

15 June 2018
During our Spring/Summer 2018 Campaign, please give to the travel grants and prizes that support AAS members to go forth and share the excitement of astronomy with the world.