20 June 2018

AAS 2019 Prize Nominations Are Due 30 June

George Benedict

Nominations for 2019 AAS prizes and awards are due in the AAS Secretary’s office by 30 June 2018.

As has been true since 2015, self-nominations are allowed for all prizes and awards that have a 30 June deadline. The Society's leadership instituted this change because they felt that many qualified potential prizewinners were being "passed over." Feel you're worthy of an award? So do we, and we want to increase your chances of winning one!

The AAS specifically encourages nominations of, and self-nominations from, astronomers who are members of marginalized groups, including people of color, people with disabilities, and sexual and gender minorities.

Nomination letters will not be accepted. Instead, three letters of support are required for each candidate/applicant. Self-nominees may not write letters of support for themselves; all three letters of support must come from other people. Because we don’t want prize-committee members to know which candidates were nominated by others and which candidates nominated themselves, letters of support must be phrased similar to "I'm writing to support the nomination of [candidate’s name]" rather than "I'm writing to nominate [candidate’s name]." Any letter of support that suggests that the author is "nominating" the candidate rather than "supporting the nomination of" the candidate will be returned for a rewrite.

Detailed prize-nomination instructions, as well as more information about all of the AAS prizes and awards, are available on our Prize Nominations page.

Please address any questions regarding prizes to the AAS Secretary.