19 June 2018

The New ADS Loses Its Beta Label

Kelly Lockhart Astrophysics Data System

The NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), the digital library portal for researchers in astronomy and physics, is pleased to announce the official removal of the beta label from our new search interface! The new ADS has been under development since 2015 and has officially reached parity with ADS Classic, which has been in service since 1994.

The new interface is built upon modern search engine technology while also providing new features, such as full text search, and the inclusion of new searchable fields, such as author affiliations.

With the new ADS up to speed, ADS Classic will be slowly phased out over the coming year and will be retired in the second quarter of 2019. For more information, check out our blog post on the transition and, for those interested in the technical aspects, our blog post on the technology stacks behind both systems.