
FY 2014 Appropriations Introduced: Fellow's First Omnibus

14 January 2014
At around 8 pm last night, Senate Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski and House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers introduced omnibus appropriations for FY 2014, the fiscal year that began this...

NRAO Semester 2014B Call for Proposals

2 Jan 2014
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory seeks proposals for use of the Very Large Array, Very Long Baseline Array, and Green Bank Telescope. Deadline: 3 February 2014.

A Double Dose of Dark Skies in DC

3 January 2014
Attendees at the 223rd AAS meeting in Washington, DC, are invited to attend two special events on Sunday and Monday related to light pollution and observatory site protection.

President’s Column: A New Year’s Perspective

2 January 2014
AAS President David Helfand welcomes the new year with thoughts about big astronomy meetings, how to advocate for federal investments in science, and the astounding pace at which our understanding of the universe is...

Last Call for Renewals with Special Promotions

20 December 2013
Renew your AAS membership by 31 December 2013 to take advantage of our new two-year renewal option, locking in the 2014 rate for 2015 as well. For each year, you'll also receive a 15% discount off your share of the...

NASA Astrophysics Roadmap Now Available

20 December 2013
Enduring Quests, Daring Visions provides a compelling long-term vision for space astrophysics building upon the baseline given in the recent decadal survey New Worlds, New Horizons.

From the Executive Office

19 December 2013
With Executive Officer Kevin Marvel on sabbatical, other managers on the AAS staff are taking turns writing this column. In this installment Joel Parriott, AAS Director of Public Policy, introduces Josh Shiode, our new...

Vote in the AAS 2014 Election!

17 December 2013
The AAS election of officers and councilors for terms beginning in 2014 is now under way. New officers and councilors will help decide the Society's direction and goals. The best way to ensure that your voice is heard is...

From the Executive Office

5 December 2013
With Executive Officer Kevin Marvel on sabbatical, other managers on the AAS staff are taking turns writing this column. In this installment Rick Fienberg, AAS Press Officer, describes how he organizes news briefings at...