
Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy

19 Nov 2012

Although recent decades have seen significant progress by women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), this rate of progress is not shared by women scientists belonging to underrepresented...

Committee on Employment

19 Nov 2012

Working Outside the Box

I graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with a Bachelor of Science degree in astronomy in 2005, then three years later graduated from The Catholic University of America with a...

JWST Update

19 Nov 2012

The Space Telescope Science Institute

The JWST Science Operations Design Reference Mission (SODRM)

The scientific potential of JWST is most often characterized through its four primary science themes, “Planetary Systems...

HAD News

15 Nov 2012

Harvey and Victoria Bricker Awarded the 2013 Donald E. Osterbrock Book Prize for Astronomy in the Maya Codices

The AAS Historical Astronomy Division’s Donald E. Osterbrock Book Prize for 2013 will be awarded to Harvey M...

On the Waterfront: AAS Returns to Long Beach

15 Nov 2012

Four years ago U.S. astronomers made a significant discovery: the Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center, where the AAS gathered for its 213th meeting. Smack in the “Waterfront Center of Southern California,” the...

From the Executive Office

15 Nov 2012

By the time you read this column, the Division for Planetary Sciences meeting for 2012 will be history and the results will no doubt be bouncing around the Internet. The AAS is proud to help organize the annual meeting...

President's Column

15 Nov 2012

From close-up pictures of water-sculpted pebbles on Mars, to the detection of galaxies at the boundary of the Dark Ages, discoveries in our field continue to advance our understanding of the Universe and to fascinate...

Prize Committee Vacancies

1 Sep 2012

Vacancies for AAS Prize committees will be filled by Council at its meeting in Long Beach, California in January 2013. Current committee members are listed under “Committees” on the AAS homepage,


Passing of Gart Westerhout

17 Oct 2012

The AAS is sad to announce the passing of former AAS Vice-President Gart Westerhout. When the AAS incorporated in Washington, DC, Dr. Westerhout signed the Articles of Incorporation. He was a life-long supporter of the...