
NASA Astrophysics Roadmap Town Hall — Change of Plans

10 Apr 2013
As a result of the new NASA policies to reduce spending on travel and conferences under the sequester, the planned NASA Astrophysics Roadmap Town Hall has been cancelled. Instead, the Roadmap team will invite authors of...

A Plan for AAS Institutional Representatives

8 Apr 2013
AAS President David Helfand describes a new program, based on the precinct-captain model of election campaigns, to improve communication between the Society and its members.

Astronomer vs. Data Scientist

3 Apr 2013
In this column from the Committee on Employment, Jessica Kirkpatrick elaborates on the differences between academia and a career in data science.

HEAD 13 Meeting Hotel Reservation Deadline Reminder

8 Mar 2013

Don’t forget to make your hotel reservations before the prices increase! The Portola Hotel and Spa will be accepting reservations through Monday, 11 March 2013. There are a limited number of government rooms are...

NOAO Call for Proposals for 2013B Due 28 March 2013

11 Mar 2013

The National Optical Astronomy Observatory announces the availability of observing time for the 2013B semester, August 2013-January 2014. The facilities available this semester include the Gemini North and South...

President's Column

27 Feb 2013

For a significant fraction of our membership, February is probably not their favorite month. Despite being the calendrical midget with the smallest number of days, for those on the job market it probably produces the...