
Last Week in Review: 22-26 July 2019

30 Jul 2019
Not every week has a policy event as big as the first steering committee meeting for the Astro2020 decadal survey, but there were many smaller events of note last week. Here’s a summary.

AAS Public Policy Team Available for Fall Colloquia

29 July 2019
Invite the AAS policy staff for a colloquium or more informal talk in your college or university department about science policy this fall semester. The AAS will share expenses with your department.

A Message from the Maunakea Observatories

29 July 2019
Read the July 20th open letter from the directors of the Maunakea Observatories on the situation in Hawaii following the July 15th attempt to restart construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope.

ASP Announces 2019 Award Recipients

26 July 2019
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific has announced the recipients of its 2019 prizes for astronomy research, technology, education, and public outreach.

The IAU Now Accepts Members Annually

25 July 2019
The International Astronomical Union will now review applications for new members (including junior members, i.e., recent PhD recipients) annually rather than only once every three years.

Shep Doeleman to Receive 2020 Berkeley Prize

25 July 2019
Sheperd Doeleman (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian) is being honored with the 2020 Berkeley prize for his scientific contributions to, and his leadership of, the Event Horizon Telescope.

Celebrating the Women of Apollo

25 July 2019
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, the Women in Astronomy blog gives a shout-out to the many women who helped make possible the first landing of humans on another world.