24 July 2019

Share Your Memories of Margaret Burbidge with the CSWA

JoEllen McBride American Helicopter Museum

Margaret BurbidgeIn the early 1970s E. Margaret Burbidge refused to accept the Annie Jump Cannon Award in Astronomy because "the prize, available only to women, was in itself discriminatory." The AAS Council's response was to set up a committee, the "Special Committee on the Cannon Prize," which not only dealt with this issue but also recommended that the AAS review the status of women in astronomy. These events were the catalysts that led to establishing the AAS Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy (CSWA).

On her 100th birthday, 12 August, the CSWA would like the community to share their memories of the astronomer who verified nucleosynthesis in stars, measured redshifts to some of the first quasars, and helped develop the Hubble Space Telescope's Faint Object Spectrograph — among many other accomplishments. Please use the form linked below to reminisce. There is space to leave your name, institution, and job title, but these are not required. Your memories will be posted on the CSWA Women in Astronomy Blog on 12 August and shared with Dr. Burbidge.

Submit Your Memories by 2 August