
The AAS Education Task Force Needs Your Help

19 October 2016
The AAS Education Task Force asks you to participate in a short survey about the education, outreach, and/or mentoring activities in which you are involved. Both AAS members and nonmembers are welcome to participate.

Call for Proposals for ALMA Science Capability Upgrades

17 October 2016
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory invites proposals from interested parties in the North American ALMA partnership for "Development Projects for Upgrades of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array."

Sexual Harassment Workshop: Highlights and Outcomes

11 October 2016
AAS President Christine Jones, Past President Meg Urry, Treasurer Nancy Morrison, and Deputy Executive Officer Joel Parriott attended an NSF workshop on sexual harassment in the sciences. Here's what they learned.

Upcoming Webinars from AWIS

6 October 2016
Join the Association for Women in Science this Friday, 7 October, for a webinar with past AWIS presidents, then again next Thursday, 13 October, for the first in a series of webinars on broadening participation in STEM.

How Can AAS Meetings Be Improved? Part 2

3 October 2016
This is the second of two posts from the AAS Meetings Task Force about the future of AAS meetings. Part 2 discusses some of the specific questions addressed by the Meetings Task Force.