
Call for Proposals: NRAO Semester 2018B

16 Jan 2018
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory seeks proposals for use of the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array during the period 4 October 2018 through 7 January 2019. Deadline: 1 February 2018.

AAS Names Recipients of 2018 Awards and Prizes

13 January 2018
At its 231st meeting near Washington, DC, the AAS named the recipients of its 2018 prizes for outstanding achievements in scientific research, instrument development, and writing.

Session Proposals Welcome for AAS 232 in Denver

7 January 2018
The AAS seeks proposals for Special Sessions, Town Halls, and Workshops to be held at the 232nd AAS meeting in Denver, Colorado, 3-7 June 2018. Deadlines are just around the corner!

AAS 231 for the Policy Crowd

5 January 2018
Your guide to items at the January 2018 AAS meeting that relate to informing and/or developing the public policy that governs federally funded research in the astronomical sciences.

Volunteer for Congressional Visits Day 2018

5 January 2018
Are you an AAS member interested in advocating for your science with policymakers? If yes, then you should volunteer for Congressional Visits Day (12-14 March 2018)! Deadline: 26 January 2018.