15 January 2018

IAU General Assembly & Membership Application Deadlines

Kenneth Kellermann NRAO

IAU XXX GA LogoI want to remind everyone that the early registration deadline to attend the XXX IAU General Assembly, to be held 20-31 August 2018 in Vienna, Austria, is 31 January 2018. Register early to save up to 60 euros off the regular registration fee and up to 120 euros off the late registration fee.

Register for the IAU General Assembly

Membership in the International Astronomical Union (IAU) is not required to participate in the IAU General Assembly or IAU Symposia but is encouraged for professionals working in astronomy or related fields. There are no individual dues, but IAU members are expected to take an active role in the Union through its Divisions, Commissions, or Working Groups.

Membership requirements and application forms for US citizens and individuals living and working in the United States, for both regular and junior IAU membership, can be found on the website of the US National Committee for the IAU.

The application deadline for individual regular or junior membership is 2 February 2018.