
Judges Needed for 2016 Rodger Doxsey Travel Prizes

29 September 2015
With the abstract deadline for the 227th AAS meeting now upon us, it’s time to choose our Doxsey Prize winners. We seek help from full members willing to review and rank dissertation abstracts. Sign-up deadline: 9...

Webinar: Engaging Scientists and Engineers in Policy

24 September 2015
Do you care about science and policy? Want to do something about it? Tune in to a new webinar series by the Engaging Scientists and Engineers in Policy Coalition, beginning Tuesday, 29 September, at 4 pm EDT.

AIP Seeks Applicants for State Department Fellowship

16 September 2015
If you're interested in the intersection of science, policy, and international affairs, the American Institute of Physics encourages you to apply for an AIP State Department fellowship for 2016-17. Deadline: 1 November...

Renew Your AAS Membership Today!

15 Sep 2015
The kids are back in school, and football season has kicked off, so it must be time for the Society’s online membership renewal drive!

AAS Issues Statement on OIR System Study Report

14 September 2015
By a vote of the Executive Committee, the AAS has strongly endorsed the recent National Research Council report Optimizing the U.S. Ground-Based Optical and Infrared Astronomy System.

An Update on the FY 2016 Budget Cycle

11 Sep 2015
President Obama released his FY 2016 budget request in February. Here's where things stand as of September, now that Congress is back in session and the presidential campaign is in full swing.

NASA's IRTF Calls for Proposals for Semester 2016A

10 Sep 2015
The Infrared Telescope Facility is a 3-meter telescope optimized for infrared observations and located atop Maunakea, Hawaii. Proposals for observations beginning in February 2016 are due by 1 October 2015.

The Effect of Realizing My Changing Goals

9 September 2015
The AAS's new John Bahcall Public Policy Fellow, Heather Bloemhard, introduces herself and describes her path from graduate school to a PhD in physics and, ultimately, a career in science policy.