
White House Astronomy Night: The Video

28 October 2015
President Obama welcomed hundreds of students and scores of science luminaries to the Executive Mansion for White House Astronomy Night on 19 October. Watch the YouTube video to see and hear some highlights.

2016 AAS Election: Candidate Statements

28 October 2015
Balloting for the next election of AAS Officers and Councilors opens in mid-December 2015 and closes at the end of January 2016. Here is the slate of candidates.

AAS Members Elected as APS Fellows

26 October 2015
Seven AAS members are among the newly elected Fellows of the American Physical Society nominated by the APS Division of Astrophysics. They'll receive their honors at the APS April meeting in Salt Lake City.

Tell Your Conference Story

23 October 2015
The American Association for the Advancement of Science wants to hear about how conference travel has benefited you and your research.

Upcoming NSF Proposal Deadlines

23 Oct 2015
Two National Science Foundation programs that support a wide-range of astronomical activities — Advanced Technologies & Instrumentation and A&A Research Grants — have deadlines in the next month.