
Applications Invited for OSTP Internship Program

27 Aug 2013
The Office of Science and Technology Policy seeks applications for its Spring 2014 Internship Program from college and university students who are U.S. citizens. Deadline: 4 October 2013.

Report on the 2012 IAU XXVIII General Assembly

26 August 2013
Ed Guinan and Kathie Bailey-Mathae review highlights from the triennial IAU General Assembly held in Beijing, China, in August 2012. The next such gathering will be in Honolulu, Hawaii, in August 2015.

New Statistics on Physics & Astronomy Degrees

26 Aug 2013
The AIP Statistical Research Center has published two new reports that provide a detailed, department-by-department listing of Fall 2012 enrollment and 2011-12 degree data for every degree-granting physics and astronomy...

Invitation to Host NRAO Community Days

13 Aug 2013
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory invites astronomical institutions to host NRAO Community Days (CDs) to inform the community of the capabilities of NRAO telescopes and help enable users to carry out cutting-edge...

President's Column: Alphas & Omegas

12 August 2013
AAS President David Helfand reflects on some of the beginnings and endings relevant to the Society and its members as we head toward autumn.

Introducing the AAS Agents Program

8 August 2013
The plan for institutional representatives described by AAS President David Helfand last April is now being implemented. Volunteers are welcome! Sign up today!

SDSS-III Data Release 10

7 Aug 2013
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey III announces its tenth public data release (DR10), featuring the first measurements from the APOGEE spectrograph and new data from the ongoing BOSS program.