
NASA's IRTF Call for Proposals for Semester 2017A

8 September 2016
The Infrared Telescope Facility is a 3-meter telescope optimized for infrared observations and located atop Mauna Kea, Hawai'i. Proposals for observations beginning in February 2017 are due by 3 October.

AAS WorldWide Telescope Update

7 September 2016
Doug Roberts, AAS WorldWide Telescope Project Director, describes the new WWT WebGL Web Client, upcoming online training, and the 2016 WorldWide Telescope prize.

Volunteer Abstract Sorters Needed for AAS 229

7 September 2016
We're looking for volunteers to help sort abstracts for the 229th AAS meeting in Grapevine, Texas, into the appropriate sessions. Sorters are able to complete the process on their own time. Please consider volunteering!

Enter the Vizzies Science Visualization Challenge

2 September 2016
The National Science Foundation and Popular Science invite you to submit your best science and engineering visualizations to the Vizzies competition, now in its 15th year. Deadline: 15 September.