7 September 2016

Don’t Let Your AAS Membership Be Eclipsed!

Diane Frendak

Diane Frendak American Astronomical Society (AAS)

Thanks to a total solar eclipse, 2017 promises to be a memorable year for American astronomy. While the excitement builds and the focus sharpens on our field, we invite you to renew your membership in the American Astronomical Society. Doing so will ensure that you stay part of our vibrant community of scientists who share a passion for uncovering the mysteries of the universe.

Supporting your Society means supporting your discipline — and enabling your Society to support you, too, in your research, teaching, and other professional activities. Don’t risk missing out on being a part of this vitally important organization, founded in 1899 to promote the advancement of science, mentor the next generation, and work together as a community to our mutual benefit. Don’t let your membership lapse — renew today to avoid losing your valuable benefits, including discounted journal subscriptions and meeting registrations, affordable group insurance, Physics Today, and so much more.

You can quickly and securely renew your membership online, where you can also confirm or update your journal subscriptions and Division memberships, and lock in savings for 2018 by renewing for two years at the current rate. (Note: That last option isn't available to junior members, who instead get two years for the price of one — currently $81 —when first joining the Society, then renew annually thereafter.) Or, give us a call at 202-328-2010 if you would like us to take your membership and payment information over the phone. We will be mailing paper reminders later this month, so we encourage you to renew online or by phone today which helps reduce the Society’s costs and carbon footprint.

If you have any questions about your dues or benefits, or need assistance when logging in, please contact the membership team by email or by phone at 202-328-2010. Thank you for your continued membership!