Public Policy

FY 2016: Are We There Yet?

2 November 2015
In short: Not yet. Fiscal year 2016 has had a bumpy start, but things are starting to look like they are settling down. Read on to learn about the current status of FY 2016. Updated: 16 December.

Tell Your Conference Story

23 October 2015
The American Association for the Advancement of Science wants to hear about how conference travel has benefited you and your research.

An Update on the FY 2016 Budget Cycle

11 Sep 2015
President Obama released his FY 2016 budget request in February. Here's where things stand as of September, now that Congress is back in session and the presidential campaign is in full swing.

The Effect of Realizing My Changing Goals

9 September 2015
The AAS's new John Bahcall Public Policy Fellow, Heather Bloemhard, introduces herself and describes her path from graduate school to a PhD in physics and, ultimately, a career in science policy.

Comments Needed on Revisions of US Export Rules

3 June 2015
The US Departments of State and Commerce recently proposed changes to export control regulations covering optical equipment. AAS members are encouraged to comment. Deadline: 6 July 2015.

A Survey Analysis of Grant-Writing Costs and Benefits

8 April 2015
To apply, or not to apply ― that is the question every time a funding opportunity arises. To answer, two scientists set out to measure the cost-effectiveness of writing grant proposals. Here are their results.