Public Policy

The President's FY 2016 Budget Just Dropped

12 February 2015
That thud you heard was the arrival of President Obama's fiscal year 2016 budget. Here the AAS public-policy staff presents "just the facts" about what's in the request for the astronomical sciences.

Where to Find AAS Policy at #aas225 in Seattle

29 Dec 2014
The AAS policy team will be at #aas225 in Seattle all next week (4-8 January 2015)! Come find us at the AAS booth or at one of the three events we'll be coordinating on Monday and Wednesday.

Volunteer for Congressional Visits Day!

22 December 2014
This year CVD will be 17-18 March 2015. The AAS aims to select at least 15 volunteers to come to Washington, DC, to raise visibility and support for science. Sign-up deadline: 3 February 2015.

The CROmnibus Is Here with Strong Funding for NASA & NSF

10 December 2014
Lawmakers introduced a massive spending bill on 9 December; it would provide healthy increases to the science budgets at NASA and NSF and sufficient funding to Cosmic Frontier projects at the DOE Office of Science...

Interested in the Future of Science Education at NASA?

3 December 2014
NASA's Science Mission Directorate has issued a draft Cooperative Agreement Notice for its future science-education activities and requests comments by 8 December. A final notice should be released in January 2015.

A District Visit with My Congressional Representative

24 September 2014
In this guest post, Jason Steffen (Northwestern University) describes his recent local visit with his House representative, Randy Hultgren. With Congress in recess, now is a good time to do a visit of your own!