
Time Is Running Out! Renew This Week and Save!

24 February 2015
Haven't renewed your AAS membership for 2015? The time is now — not only will your membership be suspended and your member benefits cut off on Sunday, 1 March, but also a $10 fee will be assessed for all renewals made...

NRAO Community Day Events Scheduled in March & April

20 Feb 2015
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory invites potential users to attend one of four workshops around the US to gain the knowledge you'll need to carry out cutting-edge scientific research using NRAO facilities.

Licensing Astrophysics Codes Session at AAS 225

19 Feb 2015
A special session at the 225th AAS meeting in Seattle in January covered topics such as the various types of software licenses, intellectual-property rights, and government restrictions on exporting codes.

You're Invited to Participate in XSEDE15

20 February 2015
Join your colleagues in St. Louis in July to explore the opportunities afforded by the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment, an advanced collection of digital resources and services.

Results of the 2015 AAS Election

16 Feb 2015
Voting in the AAS election of officers and councilors for terms beginning in 2015 closed on 31 January, and the ballots have been counted. The envelopes, please....

Changes Ahead for AAS Journals

12 February 2015
After detailed study by an expert task force, the Astronomical Journal and the Astrophysical Journal family will be revamped to simplify the submissions process and enhance their content.

The President's FY 2016 Budget Just Dropped

12 February 2015
That thud you heard was the arrival of President Obama's fiscal year 2016 budget. Here the AAS public-policy staff presents "just the facts" about what's in the request for the astronomical sciences.

A Message from the IAU General Secretary

11 February 2015
Thierry Montmerle of the International Astronomical Union has several announcements of interest to AAS members who are thinking about attending the IAU General Assembly in Hawaii this August.

Council Names Two New Honorary Members to the AAS

11 February 2015
The AAS Council has selected pulsar discoverer Jocelyn Bell Burnell (Oxford University) and exoplanet discoverer Michel G. E. Mayor (Geneva Observatory) as the newest honorary members of the Society.

Applications Are Still Open for ComSciCon 2015

10 February 2015
Graduate students currently in residence at a US institution are invited to apply for the third annual Communicating Science Workshop to be held 18-20 June 2015 in Cambridge, MA. Deadline: 1 March 2015.

X-ray Surveys of the Hot and Energetic Cosmos

10 February 2015
Focus Meeting #6 on high-energy surveys will take place 5-6 August 2015 during the IAU General Assembly in Honolulu. We invite your participation! Abstracts are due by 18 March.