16 February 2015

Results of the 2015 AAS Election

George Benedict

Voting in the AAS election of officers and councilors for terms beginning in 2015 closed on 31 January. Of the 7,215 members eligible to cast ballots, 1,433 members (19.9%) voted. If you’re in that group, thank you! If you’re not, we hope you’ll exercise your right to vote in future elections. Our officers and councilors help decide the Society's direction and goals. The best way to ensure that your voice is heard is to participate in Society elections.

Here are this year’s winners; all will take office this summer, except for the newly elected members of the Nominating Committee, whose terms begin immediately:



Education Officer

Publications Board Chair


Nominating Committee

US National Committee for the International Astronomical Union (USNC-IAU)

We are grateful to all the AAS members who agreed to stand for election, and we congratulate our new officers and councilors and look forward to benefiting from their wisdom and energy in the years ahead!