Public Policy

NSF Geosciences Advisory Committee Seeks Your Input

5 September 2014
A National Science Foundation committee has drafted a report advising the GEO directorate on goals and priorities for the next five years and invites comments from the community by Friday, 12 September.

A Retreat to Plan Our Strategy for Policy Engagement

2 September 2014
Debra Elmegreen, Chair of the AAS Committee on Astronomy & Public Policy (CAPP), discusses the group's recent strategic-planning retreat and how CAPP and the Society's policy staff will pursue their mission.

Organizing a Local Visit with My House Representative

21 August 2014
In this guest post, graduate student Sara Barber (University of Oklahoma) describes her experience organizing a campus visit with Representative Tom Cole of Oklahoma's 4th district over the August Congressional recess.

US Senate Set to Consider NASA and NSF Appropriations

13 June 2014
The House of Representatives passed their bill funding NASA and NSF on 30 May, with strong increases for research at both agencies. The Senate now looks to take up its version of the bill, which passed out of committee...