Public Policy

From FY19 to FY20: NASA’s Budget

6 September 2019
A budget deal for fiscal years 2020 and 2021 was signed into law on 2 August, and the NASA operating plan for 2019 was made public. This is an overview of how things line up.

Last Week in Review: 22-26 July 2019

30 Jul 2019
Not every week has a policy event as big as the first steering committee meeting for the Astro2020 decadal survey, but there were many smaller events of note last week. Here’s a summary.

AAS Public Policy Team Available for Fall Colloquia

29 July 2019
Invite the AAS policy staff for a colloquium or more informal talk in your college or university department about science policy this fall semester. The AAS will share expenses with your department.

From Core Collapse to the Capitol

18 Jul 2019
Our new John N. Bahcall Public Policy Fellow, Kelsie Krafton, is on the job in DC and looks forward to informing AAS members about changes in policy that affect the astronomical community.