
Opportunities to Advance Astronomy at the NSF

27 May 2015
The National Science Foundation's Division of Astronomical Sciences seeks to hire several new Program Directors, either as "permanent" employees or temporary (typically 1- to 4-year) "rotators."

AAS Member Deaths in April-May 2015

18 May 2015
We honor the memory of our departed colleagues. The Historical Astronomy Division commissions and compiles obituaries for deceased AAS members and depends on you, our members, for help writing them.

Propose Content for the 227th Meeting of the AAS

22 Apr 2015
The 227th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society will be held in Kissimmee, Florida, 4-8 January 2016. The AAS now seeks proposals for Special Sessions, Town Halls, Workshops, and Splinter Meetings.

A New NSF Science Communication Resource

19 May 2015
A new interactive resource for principal investigators and their institutional public information officers will help the National Science Foundation more effectively communicate the science it funds.

AAS 2016 Prize Nominations Are Due 30 June

18 May 2015
Nominations for most AAS prizes and awards for 2016 are due in the Secretary's office by 30 June 2015. All these prizes and awards are now open to self-nominations, thanks to a recent change in the rules.