6 May 2015

HAD Seeks Interviewees for Oral History Project in Honolulu

Jarita Holbrook University of Edinburgh

The AAS Historical Astronomy Division (HAD) has been running an oral history project for two years, partially funded by the American Institute of Physics Niels Bohr Library, with ongoing funding coming from the AAS. For the XXIX International Astronomical Union (IAU) General Assembly in Honolulu, Hawaii, 3-14 August 2015, we will be conducting oral history interviews with AAS members and international attendees.

What is an oral history interview? It's more than just an interview. Emphasis is placed on gathering names, dates, and locations, especially those connected to historical events. It is also a detailed conversation about the life of the person being interviewed, focusing on their family, those that influenced their scientific career, their career path, rough patches, and fun stories.

Do you have to be senior scientist or a famous scientist to participate? No! We would like to interview astronomers at all stages of their careers. There are very few oral histories of people early in their careers (as well as a lack of diversity in general). Please consider being interviewed during our two weeks in Honolulu. As we get closer to the meeting, we will post an electronic sign-up sheet and let you know where to find it.