
Gearing Up for Astronomy Night 2015

14 October 2015
Monday, 19 October 2015, is set to be a night of astronomy on the South Lawn of the White House and all across the nation. Here are 10 tips for gathering friends and family to stargaze together.

How to End Sexual Harassment in Astronomy

14 October 2015
AAS President Meg Urry (Yale University) has published an essay in Scientific American explaining why the case against Geoff Marcy (Univ. of California, Berkeley) must be a wake-up call to reform our field.

Propose Content for the 228th Meeting of the AAS

14 Oct 2015
The 228th meeting of the American Astronomical Society will be held in San Diego, California, 12-16 June 2016. The AAS seeks proposals for Special Sessions, Town Halls, Workshops, and Splinter Meetings.

A Message at Einstein’s Centenary in 2015

5 October 2015
A new resource tells how humanity has gone from ancient conceptions of a small, flat Earth to our modern understanding that we live on one planet, orbiting one star, in a vast and amazing universe.

AAS Member Deaths, July-September 2015

30 Sep 2015
We honor the memory of our departed colleagues. The Historical Astronomy Division commissions and compiles obituaries for deceased AAS members and depends on you, our members, for help writing them.

Broaden the Impact of Your Research with CADENS

30 September 2015
If your research generates, analyzes, or visualizes data using advanced digital resources, CADENS (The Centrality of Advanced Digitally ENabled Science) invites you to apply to incorporate it into a documentary film.

New Resource Seeks Input to Help Grow Undergrad Research

30 September 2015
If you have successfully integrated meaningful research experiences into your undergraduate curriculum, a new website from the Council on Undergraduate Research wants to share your story with the broader community.