8 February 2022

Results of the 2022 AAS Election

Alice Monet

Alice Monet US Naval Obs. (retired); AAS Secretary

Voting in the 2022 AAS Election began in December 2021 and closed on 2 February. Of the 7,148 members eligible to cast ballots, 2,091 members (29.25%) voted. If you were one of these voters, thank you! If not, we hope you’ll exercise your right to vote in future elections. Our Officers and Trustees help decide the Society's direction and goals, while the Nominating Committee prepares slates of candidates for our future Officers and Trustees. Members of the US National Committee of the International Astronomical Union (USNC/IAU) represent US interests at the international level. The best way to ensure that your voice is heard is to participate in Society elections.

Below are this year’s winners; the new Vice President and Trustee will take office this summer, the USNC/IAU representative will join the committee in September, and the newly elected members of the Nominating Committee will begin their terms immediately:

Grant Tremblay B. Ashley Zauderer-VanderLey Preethi Nair Pamela Gay Lisa Storrie-Lombardi
Grant Tremblay
Vice President
B. Ashley Zauderer-VanderLey
At-Large Trustee
Preethi Nair
Pamela Gay
Nominating Committee
Lisa Storrie-Lombardi
Nominating Committee

We are grateful to all of the AAS members who agreed to stand for election, and we congratulate our new leaders. We look forward to benefiting from their wisdom and energy in the years ahead!

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