14 December 2021

2022 AAS Election: Meet the Candidates (Part II)

Alice Monet

Alice Monet US Naval Obs. (retired); AAS Secretary

Balloting for the 2022 AAS Election will open on Friday, 17 December, and will close on 2 February 2022. In this second preview, learn who is running for Vice President and the two open Nominating Committee positions.

We are grateful to the following AAS members who have agreed to stand for election. Click on a name to read the candidate's statement. Please support the candidates' dedication, and help define the future of your Society, by voting.

Vice President (term: 3 years starting June 2022; positions open: 1)

The Vice Presidents, as representatives of the Board of Trustees, are responsible for the overall scientific content of the Society's major meetings. They select invited speakers, review proposals for special sessions, and support and advise the Executive Officer in maintaining the scientific quality of the program.

Nominating Committee (term: 2 years starting February 2022; positions open: 2)

The Nominating Committee prepares slates of candidates for Officers and Trustees as specified in the Bylaws.

Please note: Members eligible to vote will be notified when the electronic ballot is available. Members for whom we do not have email addresses will receive a paper ballot by first class mail. You may verify your email address on our members-only site and if necessary send corrections to [email protected].

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