
Call for White Papers for the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS)

1 Oct 2013
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory announces an open call for community white papers concerning the science goals, techniques, development areas, and overall design of the VLASS. Deadline: 1 December 2013.

Judges Needed for Rodger Doxsey Travel Prizes

2 Oct 2013
With the regular abstract deadline for the 223rd AAS meeting now behind us, it’s time to choose this year’s Doxsey Prize winners. We seek help from full members willing to review and rank dissertation abstracts. Sign-up...

New Benefits for Renewing AAS Members

1 October 2013
For the first time ever, the Society is offering a two-year membership-renewal option, locking in the 2014 rate for 2015 as well! Also, you'll receive a 15% discount off your share of the author charges for one paper in...

Register Now for the Fall Session of Adopt-a-Physicist!

30 September 2013
If you have a degree in physics at any level and enjoy sharing your story with students, consider participating in Adopt-a-Physicist, a free program for high-school physics classes hosted by the physics honor society...

Get Your Copy of the AAS 2012 Annual Report

26 September 2013
The Society’s annual report for calendar year 2012 is now available for downloading as a PDF file. It includes a financial report and summarizes our membership, meetings, and other activities.

Career Profile: Astronomer to Consultant

27 Sep 2013
In this installment from the AAS Career Profiles series, cosponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy and the Committee on Employment, Dr. Joseph Pesce describes leaving his university position to...

Sara Seager Wins MacArthur ‘Genius Grant’

26 September 2013
Exoplanet expert and AAS member Sara Seager (MIT) is one of 24 recipients of the 2013 MacArthur Fellowships, which carry a five-year, $625,000 prize with no strings attached. Congratulations, Sara!