2 October 2013

AIP Seeks Applicants for State Department Fellowship

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

This item is posted on behalf of the American Institute of Physics, of which the AAS is a member society:

The American Institute of Physics is now seeking applicants for its 2014-2015 State Department Science Fellowship. The application deadline is 1 November 2013.

Issues involving science and technology (S&T) are an important part of the U.S.'s diplomatic portfolio, making it essential for the U.S. Department of State to have knowledgeable scientific input. Through its State Department Science Fellowship program, the American Institute of Physics offers an opportunity for scientists to make a unique and substantial contribution to the foreign policy process by spending a year working at the U.S. State Department.

This is an exceptional opportunity for a scientist to contribute scientific and technical expertise to the Department and raise awareness of the value of scientific input. In turn, scientists broaden their experience by interacting with policymakers in the federal government and learning about the foreign policy process.

AIP does not take a role in the Fellow's placement but does encourage its Fellows to seek opportunities beyond the traditional roles for scientists in the Department when interviewing for an assignment, to broaden the reach and visibility of scientific expertise within the Department. AIP Fellows have worked on topics as varied as critical infrastructure protection, export controls, use of remote sensing imagery, biotechnology and the safety of agricultural products, emerging S&T issues, European and Russian science policy, and the World Summit on Sustainable Development. AIP's first State Department Fellow subsequently served for several years as the Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State.

AIP is grateful for annual contributions from the American Astronomical Society to help support the State Department Science Fellowship program.

Application Information and Qualifications

Qualified scientists at any stage of their career are encouraged to apply. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, have a PhD in physics or a closely related field, be members of one or more of AIP's Member Societies and be eligible to receive an appropriate security clearance prior to starting the Fellowship.

For information on AIP's Fellowship program qualifications and application instructions, please visit our website. Application components include a letter of intent, resume, and three letters of recommendation. Developing a clear, comprehensive, and competitive application takes significant time. Start early and contact your references as soon as possible. All application materials must be received by the 1 November deadline.

Final interviews will take place early in 2014, and the 12-month Fellowship term will begin in September 2014.

Please see our website or contact Jennifer Greenamoyer (301-209-3104) if you have questions or need additional information.