
AAS Announces 2015 Award Recipients

16 Jan 2014
At its 225th semiannual meeting last week in Seattle, Washington, the AAS named the recipients of its 2015 prizes for outstanding achievements in research, instrument development, and education.

Call for Proposals: NRAO Semester 2015B

14 Jan 2015
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory seeks proposals for use of the Very Large Array, Very Long Baseline Array, and Green Bank Telescope. Deadline: 2 February 2015.

Where to Find AAS Policy at #aas225 in Seattle

29 Dec 2014
The AAS policy team will be at #aas225 in Seattle all next week (4-8 January 2015)! Come find us at the AAS booth or at one of the three events we'll be coordinating on Monday and Wednesday.

Volunteer for Congressional Visits Day!

22 December 2014
This year CVD will be 17-18 March 2015. The AAS aims to select at least 15 volunteers to come to Washington, DC, to raise visibility and support for science. Sign-up deadline: 3 February 2015.

Vote in the AAS 2015 Election!

18 Dec 2014
The AAS election of officers and councilors for terms beginning in 2015 is now under way. The best way to ensure that your voice is heard is to vote! Deadline: 31 January 2015.

From the Executive Office

18 Dec 2014
AAS Executive Officer Kevin Marvel highlights some of the many ways you can support the Society, not only by participating in its programs and activities, but also by contributing to its prize endowments and other funds.