22 June 2020

Inside Sky & Telescope's August 2020 Issue

Sabrina Garvin Sky & Telescope

Sky & Telescope August 2020 Issue

In the August 2020 issue of Sky & Telescope, advanced radio telescopes meet pre-World War I refractors. Learn all about George Nicholas Saegmuller’s innovative large refractors, including one that was thought to have been stolen or destroyed by Nazis during World War II. Then, we cover the development of radio astronomy over the past century and of massive radio telescope arrays that cover the globe. Next, join us as we point our telescopes at Sagittarius, take a deep dive into the Lagoon Nebula, and capture stunning images of Saturn and Jupiter. Read on to learn how you can contribute your planetary images to ongoing astronomy research. For the grand finale, we venture out to the coldest worlds in the solar system to study out-of-this-world volcanoes that erupt ice instead of lava.

Featured Articles

The Radio Sky
Astronomers have invented a variety of novel approaches to observe the longest wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum.
By Diana Hannikainen

Swimmin’ in the Lagoon
The Lagoon Nebula harbors a wealth of cosmic treasures.
By Howard Banich

Saegmuller’s Forgotten Refractors
The legacy of one 19th-century telescope maker’s short but productive career survives in the instruments he created.
By Ted Rafferty

Ice Volcanoes
An unearthly kind of eruption launches plumes and builds mysterious mountains on worlds throughout the outer solar system.
By Rosaly Lopes

Revealing the Planets
Contributing to the study of our neighboring worlds is easier than you may think.
By Damian Peach

Beyond the Printed Page:

Fly Through the Lagoon
Nebula Enjoy this video of NASA zooming in on the details of the Lagoon Nebula in 3D.

Moving a 20-Inch Refractor
Watch George Saegmuller’s original hand wheels in action at the Chamberlin Observatory.

Little Observatories
Read Mark Bratton’s notes on the creation of his A-frame backyard observatory.

Contribute to Research
Join the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers and assist astronomers with your planetary images.

Also in this issue:

Sky & Telescope August 2020

Night of the Perseids
Meteors are just one of the attractions when this famous summer shower peaks.
By Fred Schaaf

Peerless Perseids
Warm August nights are ideal for relaxing under the stars and watching one of the best meteor showers of the year.
By Bob King

August Librations
This month presents an excellent opportunity to view several limb-hugging maria.
By Charles Wood

Bird of the Mighty Wing
The celestial eagle harbors a wide variety of deep-sky objects.
By Sue French

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