14 November 2017

Second Round of Membership Renewal Notices Coming Soon

Diane Frendak

Diane Frendak American Astronomical Society (AAS)

Member dues invoices for our second renewal mailing will be sent out in the coming weeks. If you have yet to renew, you can’t miss it — just look for a dark blue envelope.

Renewing now will not only secure your member discount for our 2018 meetings in Washington, DC, and Denver, Colorado, but you’ll also receive reduced registration to our 233rd meeting in Seattle, Washington in January 2019. In addition to the content-rich AAS meetings in 2018, the XXXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) will take place in Vienna, Austria, 20-31 August 2018. Although the Society’s registration benefits do not transfer, you can expect a large AAS delegation at the XXXth General Assembly thanks to travel support for many US-based astronomers from our International Travel Grants program. IAU registration is open, with an abstract submission deadline of 28 February 2018.

Not sure of your 2018 renewal status? It’s easy to check online. After logging in, click “My Account” in the navigation bar, then scroll to the “Member ID, Class, Status” section in the lower left part of the page. It’s time to renew if your "paid through" date is 12/31/2017 or earlier. Ready to renew with a credit card? Click “Pay My Dues” in the navigation bar.

2018 is nearly here. Don’t let time-sensitive opportunities like our author discounts and reduced registrations pass you by.

If you have any questions about your dues or benefits, or need help when logging in, please contact the AAS Membership Team by email or phone at 202-328-2010. Thank you for being an AAS Member!