31 October 2017

Register for AAS 231 Today and Don't Forget the Workshops!

Join your colleagues at the 231st AAS meeting 8-12 January 2018 in Washington, DC. A stellar program of speakers and events is coming together and you don’t want to miss it! (Note that the 2018 AAS winter meeting will take place Monday-Friday instead of the usual Sunday-Thursday.)

AAS 231

Have you registered for the winter meeting yet? The regular registration deadline has been extended to Thursday, 9 November, so register today to avoid higher late or onsite rates! Find all of the rates and details on the Registration page. When you're registering, be sure to take a look at the plethora of workshops taking place during the meeting, as some require advance registration. New workshops have been added since registration opened, so if you've already registered and would like to add a workshop, just sign in and modify your registration.

The late abstract deadline is 5 December, so make sure to submit your poster abstracts by then to be included in the meeting program. Visit the Abstract Information page for details.

Deadlines Extended for Those Affected by Hurricanes
The Society's thoughts are with everyone affected by hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, and we know that those affected have more important matters to focus on right now than AAS registration and abstract submission deadlines for the AAS winter meeting. We will therefore extend the early registration deadline and rate to 9 November for meeting attendees from the greater Houston area, South Florida, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and the Caribbean. Please use the special registration form to register at the early registration rate if you are from one of these affected areas. Anyone from these regions submitting a poster abstract for the meeting will not be treated as a late submission if the abstract is received before the final abstract submission date of 5 December. Oral presentation abstracts can no longer be accepted. All the regular abstract rules apply.

The AAS has reserved a block of rooms for meeting attendees at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center. Book your hotel room by 13 December to ensure the group rate. Find the rates and details on the Travel & Lodging page. If you’re looking for a roommate to share the lodging expenses at the meeting, take advantage of the Roommate Search Forum to find a match.

Dependent Care Grants
The AAS does not want the financial burden of child or dependent care to impact members’ ability to attend meetings, especially early career scientists or those at small institutions with limited funding. To help, members may apply for a grant to subsidize dependent care services during a meeting, for use either at the meeting location or at home. Dependent Care Grant applications are due 1 December.

Thank you to the current sponsors of the 231st AAS meeting:
AAS Publishing; AAS IOP ebooks; Research Notes of the AAS; SBIG Imaging Systems; Associated Universities, Inc.; Northrop Grumman; Ball Aerospace; Nature Astronomy; Astro Haven Enterprises; Giant Magellan Telescope; AURA; National Science Foundation; American Institute of Physics; Teledyne Imaging Sensors; World Scientific; Software Bisque; Woodland Hills Camera & Telescopes.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of the 231st AAS meeting, please contact Debbie Kovalsky at [email protected] or 202-328-2010 x110.