8 August 2017

AAS Winter Meeting Abstract Submission Is Open!

The AAS winter meeting is about five months away and preparations are well under way. See what we’re planning and join your colleagues at the 231st AAS meeting 8-12 January 2018 in Washington, DC. (Note that this year’s winter meeting will take place Monday-Friday instead of the usual Sunday-Thursday.)

AAS 231

Abstracts Now Being Accepted
Abstract submission for the 231st AAS meeting is now open! Submit your abstract for an oral or poster presentation in one of over 50 topical categories by 3 October at 9:00 pm ET to join the meeting program. If you miss that deadline, you can submit a poster abstract through the late deadline of 5 December. Details are available on the Abstract Information page.

Like the last summer meeting in Austin, AAS 231 will include iPosters. Consider presenting an iPoster instead of a traditional poster for the option to include high-res images, videos, narration, and more.

Registration and Housing Opening Soon
Stay tuned, meeting registration and the hotel block will open near the end of August.

Claim Your Exhibit Space
AAS meetings are dynamic gatherings of professional astronomers from around the world. The winter meetings typically boast over 2,500 participants from all sectors of the astronomical sciences. Claim your space in the Exhibit Hall to put your organization’s products and services in front of this impressive crowd! The winter meeting Exhibit Hall fills up very quickly, so reserve your booth early. Sponsors and AAS Corporate Members have first choice on their booth placement — please make sure your membership is up to date to receive the lowest exhibitor rates. Placing your order by the early deadline of 27 September is another way to save! Learn more about becoming an exhibitor at the winter meeting.

Become a Meeting Sponsor
Becoming an AAS meeting sponsor allows you to put your organization, products, and services in front of over 2,500 attendees and show your support for the astronomical sciences and the American Astronomical Society. Sponsor packages are available at multiple levels and the AAS staff will work with you to maximize your sponsorship budget. To learn more, visit the Exhibitors & Sponsors page of the meeting website.

Thank you to the current sponsors of the 231st AAS meeting:
AAS Publishing; AAS IOP ebooks; SBIG Imaging Systems; Associated Universities, Inc.; Northrop Grumman; Ball Aerospace; Astro Haven Enterprises; and the National Science Foundation.