52nd DPS Meeting

Press Information

DPS 2020
52nd Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences
Virtually Anywhere
26 – 30 October 2020

Press registrants as of 29 October 2020:

  1. Mary A. Agner (Freelance)
  2. Javier Barbuzano (Freelance)
  3. David Baron (Freelance)
  4. Meghan Bartels (Space.com)
  5. Kelly Beatty (Sky & Telescope)
  6. Kassandra Bell (SOFIA/Universities Space Research Assoc.)
  7. Damond Benningfield (StarDate Radio/Magazine)
  8. Camille Carlisle (Sky & Telescope)
  9. David L. Chandler (MIT News)
  10. Kenneth Chang (New York Times)
  11. Stephen Clark (Spaceflight Now)
  12. Christopher Crockett (Freelance)
  13. Paul Deans (Astronomical Society of the Pacific)
  14. David Dickinson (Freelance)
  15. Suraiya Farukhi (Universities Space Research Association)
  16. Richard Tresch Fienberg (AAS Press Officer)
  17. Alan Fischer (Planetary Science Institute)
  18. Jeff Foust (SpaceNews)
  19. Michael Greshko (National Geographic)
  20. Jeff Hecht (New Scientist)
  21. Randall Hyman (Freelance)
  22. Irene Klotz (Aviation Week & Space Technology)
  23. Katherine Kornei (Freelance)
  24. Laurel E. Kornfeld (Spaceflight Insider)
  25. Elizabeth A. Kruesi (Freelance)
  26. Elizabeth Landau (NASA)
  27. Emily Lakdawalla (The Planetary Society)
  28. Rick Lovett (Freelance)
  29. Tariq Malik (Space.com)
  30. Adam Mann (Freelance)
  31. James Maynard (The Cosmic Companion)
  32. Morgan McFall-Johnsen (Business Insider)
  33. Natasha Metzler (Carnegie Institution for Science)
  34. Shantanu Naidu (DPS Press Officer)
  35. Martin Ratcliffe (Freelance / Sky-Skan)
  36. Govert Schilling (Freelance)
  37. Ramin A. Skibba (Freelance)
  38. Marcia Smith (SpacePolicyOnline)
  39. Georgina Torbet (Digital Trends)
  40. Paul Voosen (Science)
  41. Alexandra Witze (Freelance)
  42. Ling Xin (Freelance)
  43. Monica Young (Sky & Telescope)