237th meeting

Abstract Submission

Virtually Anywhere
237th meeting of the American Astronomical Society
Virtually Anywhere
10 – 15 January 2021

Submit Your iPoster Turbo Talk!

Turbo Talks are optional and NOT required. It is an added feature for iPosters. Questions? Please contact the Science Program Administrator, Sherrie Brown, x101


We will strictly adhere to the following deadlines and scheduling:

  • 2 December: iPoster Turbo Talk Submission Deadline {Deadline Extended: 14 Dec} - Turbo talks are optional and intended to be a 2-mnute summary of your poster. You do not have to complete your poster before recording as turbo talk. These overview recordings are NOT required.

  • 17 December: Session Cancellation Deadline

  • 21 December: iPoster Author Training #1

  • 28 December: iPoster Author Training #2

  • 31 December: iPoster Publish Deadline, please note you will be able to continue working on your poster after the initial publish deadline up to the meeting.

  • 4 January: Speaker Training(s) Begin

  • 11-15 January: AAS 237 Virtual Meeting!

Edits to Abstracts

  • If you have a problem with the scheduling of your presentation, please email the abstract help desk. We will try to accommodate your request if possible.
  • We understand that edits sometimes need to be made to abstracts after they are submitted. We try hard to accommodate edits and changes as we lead up to the conference, but due to certain publishing deadlines we will be unable to edit abstracts within four weeks of the meeting start date.