Public Policy

News from the NSF Division of Astronomical Sciences

29 Apr 2013
AST division director Jim Ulvestad provides updates on the FY 2013 budget, the FY 2014 budget request, the AAG and PAARE grant programs, the ALMA inauguration in Chile, and forthcoming management competitions for several...

News from NSF Division of Astronomical Sciences (AST)

1 Mar 2013

NSF and the ABCs of Sequestration

At this writing, on 27 February, the U.S. Government is nearing the 1 March deadline for across-the-board reductions in the U.S. budget, known as “sequestration.” Those inside the...

President's Column

5 Sep 2012

At 1:32AM Eastern time on 6 August, the Mars Science Laboratory and its charmingly named rover, Curiosity, executed a perfect landing in Gale Crater. President Obama called the highly complex landing procedure “an...