
The CROmnibus Is Here with Strong Funding for NASA & NSF

10 December 2014
Lawmakers introduced a massive spending bill on 9 December; it would provide healthy increases to the science budgets at NASA and NSF and sufficient funding to Cosmic Frontier projects at the DOE Office of Science...

Lunar Mission One: An International Mission to the Moon

4 December 2014
A new exploratory robotic mission that will use pioneering deep-drilling technology to deliver new insights into the origins of the Moon and the Earth invites participation from US astronomers and planetary scientists.

Nominations Reopened for Vannevar Bush Award

3 December 2014
Every year the National Science Board salutes a leader who has made exceptional contributions to the welfare of humankind via science and technology. Nominations for 2015 have been extended through 20 January 2015.

Interested in the Future of Science Education at NASA?

3 December 2014
NASA's Science Mission Directorate has issued a draft Cooperative Agreement Notice for its future science-education activities and requests comments by 8 December. A final notice should be released in January 2015.

Support the AAS on #GivingTuesday

1 December 2014
#GivingTuesday, on 2 December this year, is a global day dedicated to celebrating generosity. We encourage you to use this opportunity to support some of the many funds and projects that help define the AAS.

A Guide to AAS Meeting Etiquette

17 Dec 2013
AAS meetings are the largest and most logistically complex astronomy meetings in the world. We ask all attendees to work together to enhance the value of the meetings by keeping a few simple things in mind.