21 January 2015

Travel Grants Are Still Available for the IAU General Assembly

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

If you're interested in attending this summer's 29th General Assembly (GA) of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in Honolulu, Hawaii, and you work in the US, here's some good news: The deadline to apply for an AAS International Travel Grant for the Honolulu GA has been extended till 1 April 2015. (Applications for travel grants to other international meetings held between now and 31 August 2015 were due by 9 January.)

Eligibility Requirements

You do not have to be a member of the AAS to apply for an International Travel Grant, but you do have to be currently employed in the US or with a US institution. Note that there are restrictions on how the funds are used, which will be communicated to fund recipients along with their awards. Chief among the restrictions is that you must use US flag carriers except in certain circumstances, you must use the funds only for direct travel between the US and the meeting location, and you must use the funds for airfare only (not, e.g., for baggage fees or in-flight meals).

AAS International Travel Grant funds are targeted for (in priority order) early-career scientists, scientists from smaller institutions or from underserved populations, and scientists whose participation at the meeting is important for US visibility.

When completing the application, be sure to supply an accurate price quote for your airline travel on a US flag carrier. Cheaper fares on non-US-flag carriers do not improve your funding chances, as you must fly on a US flag carrier whenever and wherever possible.

Final Reports

Grant recipients will be asked to send in a final report and appropriate receipts or copies as outlined in their award letter, as explained on our main International Travel Grants page.

To Apply