18 June 2024

Announcing the Working Group for International Students and Researchers in Astronomy

Yaswant Devarakonda American Astronomical Society (AAS)

The AAS Board of Trustees has recently approved the formation of a one-year (renewable) Working Group for International Students and Researchers in Astronomy (INTL-AST). This new working group, co-chaired by Prof. Raffaella Margutti (UC Berkeley) and Prof. Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz (UC Santa Cruz), will focus on the issues experienced by members of the AAS community who are foreign nationals within the US or who are working abroad. 

“One of the great strengths of the astronomy community is that it is fundamentally international,” said AAS President Kelsey Johnson in a recent statement. “Supporting our international colleagues working in the United States is essential to the health of our profession and the Board of Trustees is thrilled to launch this working group.”

Several of the related issues were discussed at a special session during the 243rd AAS meeting in New Orleans earlier this year, ranging from logistical issues (moving to the United States, navigating the immigration system, finding scholarship and employment opportunities) to cultural issues (microaggressions, communication barriers, unhealthy work environment). With all these challenges, it is little wonder that a recent study of international students found that 73% of participants faced general financial hardship, 59% reported having mental health issues, and 32% reported food insecurity. Meanwhile, only 14% of participants reported favorable support from the Office of International Students at their college or university. These issues do not disappear after graduation but persist as people move up the career ladder in academia and private industry.

The new INTL-AST working group will evaluate the needs of the astronomy community and, with the consultation of the Board of Trustees, take appropriate actions to address these needs. Such activities may include planning events at AAS meetings, gathering and sharing resources for the community, providing mentoring opportunities, tracking federal immigration issues of concern to the international community, and considering the establishment of a standing committee. If you’d like to get involved, please contact the INTL-AST Working Group co-chairs.