2 October 2023

Job Search and Hiring Resources from the AAS Employment Committee

Chelsea Sharon Clackamas Community College

We’ve entered the peak of the academic job search season! Did you know that the AAS Committee on Employment offers a number of services for those on the job market, both inside and outside of the academy? Visit the AAS YouTube channel for panel interviews on different career choices, most recently: jobs at primarily undergraduate institutions and data science careers. Check out the Astronomy Powered Careers page for a comprehensive list of the jobs astronomy degree holders have pursued, which includes links to interviews of astronomers in those careers. If you find yourself frequently answering questions from high school students and younger cohorts about astronomy careers, consider directing them to the recently revamped description of astronomy careers page. We also have a compendium of advice and resources on academic careers for nearly all career stages — from undergraduate to faculty. If you’re on an academic hiring committee this year, we particularly encourage you to check out our collated list of best-practices in hiring to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as the annotated list of references.

Are there resources you would like to see the AAS provide that have not been mentioned here, or do you have questions about the state of the job market? We encourage you to reach out to the Committee on Employment with your thoughts and questions! You can also check out the latest news on X(Twitter)!

Two plots: The top shows the number of posted job ads as a function of month for 2018-2022, showing a clear peak in October every year. The bottom shows the number of jobs posted per year since 1985, divided by job type. The number for all job types increases on average every year, with about 1300 posted in 2022.
Some of the AAS Job Register statistics tracked by the AAS Committee on Employment.