1 February 2021

WGPAH Annual Meeting

Jennifer Bartlett NASA/SAO ADS (SciX)

The annual meeting of the Working Group on the Preservation of Astronomical Heritage (WGPAH) will be held on Wednesday, 10 February, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm ET via Zoom. 

On behalf of the AAS, WGPAH develops and disseminates procedures, criteria, and priorities for identifying, designating, and preserving astronomical structures, instruments, and records so that they will continue to be available for astronomical and historical research, for the teaching of astronomy, and for outreach to the public. Although formal voting is restricted to appointed members of the Working Group, we welcome everyone to participate in our discussions. So far, the topics suggested for this year's meeting include Yerkes, Abt archives, Arecibo, Kuiper Airborne Observatory, and Michelson Lab at Mt. Wilson.

For a link to the meeting, please contact the WGPAH chair Jennifer L. Bartlett at [email protected].